Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Dash Of Color

As we travelled through Scotland and mentioned that we were going to the Isle of Mull, everyone was unanimous in saying that we would love it. They were right! Tobermory on the western tip of the island hugs the coast with colorful homes and stores. The sailing boats in the crisp clear water complete the artist's painting.
The rest of the town rises straight upwards behind the first level, where homes sit perched overlooking the marina. In front of each are lovely gardens with protective stone walls that allow you to see over them. It was here that we met "Betty" (I am not kidding), who invited me into her home so that I could take pictures higher up from her dining and living room windows. Her hospitality was outstanding as she invited Ted & I in for tea. What a glorious hour we spent speaking with this wonderful hostess. This extremely kind and thoughtful jester left us feeling like - Scotland was definitely the place to visit.


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